becky rosko
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a natural state that we all go in and out of every day. An example: that floaty, drifty, dreamy time just before sleep. You never know exactly what time you fell asleep because you were drifting and not caring. In this state, the mind is suggestible to new thoughts and feelings, not usually accepted by the critical mind.
In a state of hypnosis, brain waves slow down, the thinking mind drops into the background, the imagination opens. Reframing, positive suggestion, metaphor and personal imagery are all hypnotic tools used to expand the experience. A deeper self-awareness, new perspective, comfort with uncertainty and stronger intuition manifest outwardly in everyday life, in the form of a heal-thy mind, body, spirit, relationships, passion, career, joy and more.
What are the benefits of hypnosis?
Boosts immune system, builds immune system, builds confidence and self-esteem, gain harmony, expands the mind in a safe environment.
Become the director of your life—leave the old story behind.
Experience more pleasure – less pain.
Move out of sleepy consciousness into a focus deeper knowing.
Feel very connected within- enhance your intuition.
Learn the art of attention, become aware to make a conscious better choice instead of an old habitual reactive and destructive choice.
One experiences a letting go, a freer, richer, more creative version of self.
Contact me to start a discussion as to how you may benefit from Hypnosis.