becky rosko
"What is it you plan to do with this one wild and precious life?'
~Mary Oliver
Becky motivates and supports others to break limiting beliefs to create a more radiant & meaningful life. Through working with Becky, you access the tools it takes to step into that bigger self to live the life you may have only thought was available in your dreams. The approach is a collaboration between client & coach to stop playing small and lead from your heart... She is an experienced yoga teacher & therapist with caring and sensitive guidance to tailor sessions to the individual needs of her clients. Becky brings creative ways to explore those heartfelt desires to help turn them in to reality. The key in this approach is accountability.
She creates a safe and non-judgemental space for the client to explore their own personal patterns & create new ways to shine.
"my goal is to inspire to lift others higher"
call Becky at 516.384.0354 with any questions